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What are 4 major signs of nursing home abuse?

On Behalf of | Apr 25, 2023 | Nursing Home Abuse

When you put an elderly loved one in the care of a nursing home, you expect their needs to be met. One such need is that their physical and mental health is cared for. 

Unfortunately, nursing home residents may be victims of abuse. Here’s what you should look for:

1. Unexplained injuries

One way nursing home employees try to get away with abusing residents is by injuring them. You may notice bruises, broken bones or cuts, for instance. This happens because nursing homes fail to screen employees during the hiring process and then turn a blind eye because of staff shortages. 

Furthermore, other residents may be abusive. It may be known that a resident is abusive, but nursing home employees will ignore the issue. Nursing homes should take steps to stop this behavior.

2. Bed sores

Many residents need assistance getting out of bed and turning over. Otherwise, residents may develop bed sores. Bed sores can damage the skin. If the bed sores are left untreated, they may turn from red to purple and break, which can lead to infections. Bed sores may be a sign that an elderly loved one isn’t getting the care they need.

3. Missing valuables or money

If you control an elderly loved one’s finances and notice unexplainable charges, then one of two things may have happened: your loved one mistakenly spent something or a nursing home employee or another resident is using your loved one’s money for their own use. You should also be on the alert for missing jewelry or other personal items that might be valuable.

4. Depression and isolation

Nursing home abuse can cause a change in an elderly loved one’s personality. They may develop depression and begin to isolate themselves. They may talk less and participate in fewer activities. If you notice this, then you may need to find out how your loved one is being abused. 

Do you believe that your loved one is being abused? It may be paramount that you learn what legal steps you should take to ensure your elderly loved one has the proper care.